The "Automaton Museum" from Nice, France and other rarities.
Collectibles of all kinds.
Phone: +41 (0)71 – 370 03 05
Address: Weierwiesstrasse 8, 9113 Degersheim, Switzerland
Lot No. 651
Lot No. 652
Lot No. 653
Lot No. 683
Lot No. 836
Lot No. 837
Lot No. 838
Lot No. 839
Lot No. 840
Estimated Low:$150,000.00 Estimated High:0
Estimated Low:$30000.00 Estimated High:0
Estimated Low:$30,000.00 Estimated High:0
Estimated Low:$25,000.00 Estimated High:0
Estimated Low:$25000.00 Estimated High:0
Estimated Low:$60,000.00 Estimated High:0