• Moto Guzzi P.E. 250, 1938

    (4 images )
  • Moto Guzzi P.E. 250, 1938

    (4 images )
  • Moto Guzzi P.E. 250, 1938

    (4 images )
  • Moto Guzzi P.E. 250, 1938

    (4 images )

LOT 17: Moto Guzzi P.E. 250, 1938

Seller's estimate :
CHF10000 / CHF12000

View Bid Increments

Rare and very original pre-war Moto Guzzi. Good condition with a beautiful Patin. Original Libretto and Moto Guzzi Certificato d'origine available. EU-documents, Swiss customs clearance paid.

Seltene und sehr originale Vorkriegs Moto Guzzi. Guter Zustand mit schöner Patina. Originales Libretto und Moto Guzzi Certificato d'origine vorhanden. EU-Papiere, in der Schweiz verzollt.

No shipping provided

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Toffen March 30 th 2019

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Der Gerichtsstand ist Bern.
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Toffen, 30. März 2019



  Weierwiesstr. 8 CH-9113 Degersheim, Switzerland.
  +41 (0)71 – 370 03 05
About Us

The Swiss Auction Company and Retonio gallery started with auctions in 1982. Our CEO - Retonio Breitenmoser- is since 25 years the auctioneer for the classic car auctions of the oldtimer galerie in Toffen, Switzerland. We have organized auction in Switzerland, Germany, France, USA, Luxembourg.

We are specialized in:

  • Mechanical music instruments
  • Classic cars
  • Rock hollywood memorabilia
  • Collectibles of all kind

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